[Suggestion] new mode added for anti-grief

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by MrCDub, Jul 26, 2017.

  1. I want a mode that i can turn on and be unable to break my own protected blocks.

    I am currently using bmode for an unprotected block to build something quite big. Sometimes I forget to turn bmode on right away. When i realize that i am not in bmode I then have to guess what is and isn't protected or just tear up more than necessary to ensure i haven't missed any. I figure if it is possible to add this mode then I could just try to break it all and easily see where I have and haven't used bmode.

    I'm editing this suggestion with an alternative idea that will maybe be easier to implement. You could be alerted when you are breaking your own blocks much like when you are alerted when a friend breaks your blocks.
  2. That's what the SS blanket protection service is for, so you don't have to remember to build with buildmode.
  3. I would love this to be added.

    Yes and you also have to pay for it. You really want to bug SS every time you need some blocks replaced?
    ShelLuser likes this.
  4. Not every time, I just mean if I'm doing something massive like a mob farm I'm willing to shell out the rupees for it and I don't think SS mind being bothered every now and again. I think MrC's idea is a good one but if I'm doing a huge project I'm unlikely to tear a good chunk of the thing down to figure out which blocks need to be replaced.
  5. +1

    Have to agree; not being able to see or detect which one of your blocks is protected can sometimes be quite a hindrance. (new reaction posted below)

    Unfortunately that's not always a useful option. For example when you're building in the Frontier in an area which isn't officially claimed. Also note that this isn't an officially supported service, I conclude as much from the fact that it's not listed on the senior staff service page and statements from staff made in the past.
    b0bbythebuild3r likes this.
  6. +1 Then if this where added a constant message to say build mode? The one where it flashes, sometimes hard to tell when its on or off.
  7. bump

    I'm editing this suggestion with an alternative idea that will maybe be easier to implement. You could be alerted when you are breaking your own blocks much like when you are alerted when a friend breaks your blocks.
  8. Be very careful with that, I'm not too sure that editing your suggestion is a good idea.

    See, people who up or down -voted you did so based on your original suggestion. Now you almost make it look as if some commented on this one. Note: almost; of course you clearly mentioned your editing and even posted this up here. But still... I think it might have been a better idea to start a new thread and then reference this one.

    No harm done in my opinion, but still wanted to mention this.
  9. +1

    I have to agree that this could be useful. Of course it depends a little on how you're building but this can indeed be very useful. There is a reason why I know the: /fr blockbreak <name> false command from mind :p I've been here myself where I really wanted to ensure that something I placed down was actually protected, so then I asked a friend to come over to help me, removed their block breaking access and have them try it out for me.

    Like this one time when a certain player who's name starts with an A had no problem helping me to test if my window was protected. Yet unfortunately mixing up their silk touch pick with a high-efficiency fortune pick. And what do you know; combined with my mistake of not actually removing their block access I was soon left with no window at all :D

    (which, when looking back, was also pretty stupid on my end considering that a glass block is automatically protected no matter what :rolleyes:)

    Oh well :)
  10. Well... I do the same thing from time to time myself when building in the wild, forget to turn on buildmode. However, it's not a big deal.

    Blocks are usually automatically covered under grief protection mode unless they are on that specific list in the release thread. Any items NOT on that list are automatically protected under anti-grief, /buildmode on or off.
    ThaKloned likes this.