1 Mending + Infinity God Bow!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by cam7051, Jun 12, 2017.


What should I auction next?

Poll closed Jun 19, 2017.
Lucky Bow 4 vote(s) 21.1%
Mineral Mincer 0 vote(s) 0.0%
2017 Aikar Signature 8 vote(s) 42.1%
Mineral Mincer 0 vote(s) 0.0%
2014 Avalauncher 7 vote(s) 36.8%
  1. I did bid 56K. You've just bid more...
  2. 60K alot of people are gonna be hurt with this
  3. Of course It'll be wrapped! (I'm not a monster)
    AyanamiKun and ChespinLover77 like this.
  4. one of my friends sometimes tells me 64k should be enough 4 everyone. so...

    64k ^.^
    cam7051 likes this.
  5. I almost left it, but I think your friend needs to be proven wrong.

    ShelLuser and cam7051 like this.
  6. 66666 evil rupees
    AyanamiKun and cam7051 like this.
  7. 67666r
    cam7051 likes this.
  8. I think you have won lonewolf1221
  9. Please pay and I will mail
  10. fantastic payment sent :D
  11. mail sent auction closed