[Auction] DC of Redstone

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Schlaf82, Jun 7, 2017.

  1. Auction: 1 DC of Redstone
    Starting bid: 1000r
    Minimum bid increase: 100r
    Auction ends: 24hr after last valid bid
    Pick up: smp8 /v 17084
  2. Is this dust, ore, or blocks? 1k anyways to start the bidding..
    Schlaf82 likes this.
  3. oh, sorry.. Its dust!
    AncientTower likes this.
  4. 2k
    Schlaf82 likes this.
  5. 3k
    Schlaf82 likes this.
  6. 3333r
    Schlaf82 likes this.
  7. 10k
    Schlaf82 likes this.
  8. 11k
    Schlaf82 likes this.
  9. 12.5k
    Schlaf82 likes this.
  10. Jelly-jay wins with 13k!

    Please pay and I set up chest at my res at smp8!