[AUCTION] DC of...Dragon's Breath???

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by ShyguytheGamer1, May 18, 2017.


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DC of Dragon Heads 7 vote(s) 50.0%
hi this is the people of smp8, we'd like fish to go please, gracias. 7 vote(s) 50.0%
  1. Yep, DC of The Ender (ur mom) Dragon's breath. He hasn't brushed his teeth in a while, so this is extra lovely.

    Items: DC of Dragon's Breath
    Starting Bid: 1 rupee
    Bid Increment: 1 rupee
    Auction Ends: 24 hours after last valid bid
    Pick-up Location: /v 16714 on smp8
    Lady_Eliza likes this.
  2. 1 giant rupee for the stank breath
  3. oops, I got ninja'd ... 1, 601 r
  4. 1650r

    As a smp8'er I demand fish for an auction!