Yet Another Contest! - Wallpaper Contest

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by GameKribJim, Apr 19, 2012.

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  1. Jim, can we get access to the high-def EMC logo? this one is only 500xsomething, there must be something like 2500 or so...
    louiskw likes this.
  2. Where do we Post the pics
  3. I like this idea, i need to make a wall paper and enter! Good Luck to all who enter!!!
  4. I have to ask how come the prize pool hasn't been updated after 2-3 days?
  5. how do u upload them, theres no selection box to select ur file
  6. I don't think you upload them, my guess is is that you have to put them up on imgur or something and copy the image URL into the text box.
  7. Agreed, why am I not in the first one? :(
  8. can i still post?
  9. Well, there ends the submissions
  10. Hope people likes my wallpaper, it was made for you guys!
  11. Here is my submission, sent it in within the first week of the competition starting :)

  12. Unfortunately my submission is WAY behind schedule :( It consisted of 16k player faces from EMC in the shape of the EMC logo
  13. *poker face* i didnt understand im from Norway.
  14. looks fun
  15. I would like to apologize for the delay in the judging of the contest. I'm currently having some medical issues that are causing me to sleep a lot. Ill try to get it done by Sunday. Very sorry.
  16. Can I have your medical issues?
  17. Trust me you don't want them.
  18. I camed here to go all "hey Jimbo, when are you posting the winners?!" and after checking this all I have to say is: Get well bud, take all the time you need, real life is always over minecraft or anything else, specially if is a medical issue!
  19. So sorry for the delay! Voting has begun!
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