Plans for a community gold farm

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by SmyMine2, Jan 25, 2017.

    If I posted this in the wrong location, forgive me, and correct me, please.

    I have already started the mining of obsidian, as many of you know, and started building it out by ellisbrewer's slime farm (with permission).
    However, I derped and lost all my notes. I went back this evening and watched the video I am basing off of. (posted at the very end of this post) I will use that design, improve upon it a bit, etc., but I will leave a block in the center for you to afk on. I have tested this before in creative, and I have not once seen any ghasts pop through, but if, when I establish it, a ghast spawns whilst you are afk, pls pm me on the server only if I shout Sadie_dog when I log in, or pm me on forums. (If you are not on when I log on, or are afk, pm me and ask if I am Sadie_dog first pls)
    However, I am having slight issues on materials. The water is placed, the walls of that part done, but I stopped at the portals for two reasons: I jacked up the height by about four blocks (derp), and I ran out of obsidian.
    I need more obsidian than I originally planned to need, a bit over 14 stacks (14 stacks and 44 blocks). I need either a mining team for when I am on (again referring to if I holler Sadie_dog when I log on), or, on Saturday I am going to set up a shop for me buying obsidian. However, I may easily run out of money doing that, and I keep neglecting to vote for this account.
    If you want to join my mining team, pm me in forums.
    If you are wondering why I keep referring to "Sadie_dog" and me announcing that I am she, lemme explain for the millionth and last time. SmyMine3, SmyMine4, and SmyMine2 are ALL public accounts of my local library. SmyMine2 is most often used, thus I am running a forum only for that account.
    Back to mining team.
    If you join my mining team, I will more than likely NOT be providing diamond pickaxes, as atm I am still recovering from someone who played Smy3 and purposely burned a chest full of obby and a dia pick (I about killed him irl). However, I will be providing the cave system, as I have located a good cave for obsidian, and water buckets and food. (pls be happy with cooked fish) If needed, I will do a "How to mine obsidian smartly" tutorial for you guys.
    I, Sadie_dog, will be on as SmyMine2 (hopefully, or 3) on Saturday. The computer I was expecting died the instant I turned it on ( :[ ) and thus I have not been able to play as Sadie_dog. So, if you are wanting to join the team or donate obsidian, come to my plot in SMP6 then.
    <3 ~ Sadie_dog as SmyMine2
    P.S. Yes, I know there are a few other community gold farms out there, and yes, I know this is a stupid design. I used this one because it was simple, and it was relatively cheap. (obsidian was the only expensive material)

    ShelLuser and Tuqueque like this.
  2. I am fairly certain PWU has some obby laying around. Want a few stacks or any other materials?

    I would also suggest you extend the water base out 2 more blocks so your "containment" surrounding wall is not up against a portal. I learned that one the hard way with EMC. You'll wind trying to figure out how in the world a few pigmen escaped when that never happens on single player.

    ShelLuser and Tuqueque like this.
  3. Thx, khixan! Yes, I need as much obby as I can get atm! Is there a price you want? The consoles for all the public accounts are off (library's closed), but I will be on Saturday.
    Thank you for the idea. How the heck did y- oh, the video. *derp* Yes, I was thinking about that just a minute ago.
    As for other materials, I am using dirt for the water basin, and the chute of death for the pigmen. (what, it's cheap) However, I may well be going back and fancying it up for several areas... i.e the afk chamber, hopefully only being 1 block; the way to the afk chamber; etc etc.
    I could really use a team lol... I spent three hours mining with someone playing SmyMine3, but as I was getting off, he took all the materials out of the chest and jumped in lava. That was 5 stacks. And a dia pick. With Efficiency *max* and Fortune *max*. I was ticked off at that fool...
    khixan likes this.
  4. I'm usually in game on the weekends. I work full time and I have a part time contract job for the next few months and I'm a mom so..... Yeah, I have no free time. Find me on the weekends :)
    I'd mail it to you, but it sounds like that account (SmyMine1-3) can be used by anyone at the library. Should I mail them to your Sadie_dog account instead?
    ShelLuser likes this.
  5. Correction: SmyMine2-4
    No, Sadie_dog (the account) has not yet logged onto Empire thus you can't mail it to me. Hold up, lemme pm you in forums, k?
  6. Don't worry, Empire forums are a very relaxed place. Sure: if you blatantly misbehave then you'll find yourself in trouble (also with the community members I might add) but otherwise you're good :)

    Sounds like someone has been griefed, and judging by your post alone I think your story is credible. Or, put in more technical terms: worth taking the risk over (no offense intended). Thing is, there's this group who tries to help griefed players, and I think to recall that Aya (member of said group) still had some god picks left (probably slightly used) from another incident. I'm sure we can also provide a few dia's to help make some extra.

    I'll check out later what exactly we have left and ship some your way.

    Can you give me a shout as well where I can send some stuff to?
    khixan likes this.
  7. Haha, thanks for a wordy response! Wow, I wasn't expecting any replies to this thread!
    I was the one "griefed." But keeping in mind this is a public account where we sign a contract swearing not to do that to each other, he was punished. But ye, I need recovery help, that was three hours and my last dia pick is on its last leg. I'd appreciate any help there.
    As to where you can send some stuff to. I am going to be on on Saturday about 9 am Central Time and as I stated many times throughout the post, I will say "Sadie_dog" when I log in.
    GOOD NEWS! My computer has finally come!!!!!! In a little bit, I should be getting it. The only reason I myself will be on as SmyMine2 on Saturday is to get that small stash of obsidian I saved from the jerk so that I may work on the gold farm. (I couldn't give myself access to it because I haven't been on as Sadie_dog on emc yet)
    Sorry I took so long to respond, I have school.
    Thank you guys!
    ShelLuser and khixan like this.
  8. Also I am on SMP6 but I will swing by SMP8 and 2 to notify you if I get on (8 for the first responder, 2 for the latter)
  9. I need you to remove the chest you placed at the iron farm