+reindeer smp5 public breeder :D

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by MrAdazahi, Jan 21, 2017.

  1. /v +reindeer on smp5 public promo horse breeder

    There are 57 promo horses (current) 6 polar bears to gaurd the walls (aesthetics) and 2 snowmen to keep the res nice and snowy :)

    The majority of the horses are prancers, next dancers then dashers and theres 1 rudolph and i am expecting 1 more soon :)

    Note: this breeder is meant to breed high jumping horses, or with a combotation of the faster ones and higher jumpers it makes for a good breeder for wild exploration horses

    Happy breeding :D

    UPDATE: Theres a bew system to help players know what horses to breed, as all the reindeer have similar names.
    diamond armor: rudolph
    Gold armor: dancer
    Iron armor:dasher
    Nothing/saddle: prancer
    Hopefully this is helpful, a sign with this same color code is at the spawn of the residence
  2. Really nice place. There is nothing like it!
  3. Well there IS +breed c:
  4. UPDATE: res now contains 2 rudolphs and an incintatus, i also forgot to mention; there is a starter horse on the res and it has 131.98 speed

    A 3rd rudoplh is planned soon aswell as valens
  5. I like the fact that you got all these promos to breed. I just think it was a bit chaotic not having them in stables. or sections. I get the free range allows variety of breeding but it has a cramped kind of feel.
  6. I may add stables sometime, but as you said, its free range to allow players to breed whatever horses they want together, and that would be quite hard to recreate with stables, especially with only 2 rudolphs.

    Ill look into a way of making it less cramped but tbh i doubt they will even fit in stables cuz theres way too many.