[auction] DC of DIAMOND BLOCKS

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by samsimx, Dec 25, 2016.

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  1. 3,365,000 r
  2. 3,400,000r
  3. 3,405,000 r
    AlarmGoesBeep and samsimx like this.
  4. Mr. RandomZh leads the auction with a whopping 3,405,000r. Have you guys seen /v 1728? This man does not need anymore diamonds!! I think he has a serious diamond addiction, someone should really outbid him so we can help this poor man with his addiction to the lovely blue rock.
  5. In one day RandomZh will win the auction, can anyone beat him?
    Sachrock likes this.
  6. 3,430,000 r
  7. 3,450,000r
  8. 3,460,000
  9. RandomZH in the lead again, little less than 24 hrs until he is victorious :)
    Sachrock likes this.
  10. 3,500,000

    Sorry keep forgetting to bid
    Sachrock and EmpireMall like this.
  11. 3,510,000
    CallumDAKing likes this.
  12. Come on alex
  13. 3,550,000r
    CallumDAKing likes this.
  14. :confused:
    Someone of us will bleed rupees, and the other one will not have diamonds. Looks bad for both of us.
  15. 3,570,000
    CallumDAKing likes this.
  16. 3,600,000
  17. :( My monies :(

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