Ah... I registered a team, but we got a fifth person who wishes to join. How do I go about adding them to the team, Krysyy? I already filled out the form.
The team I submitted with me, Fishcat, BugTheRightOne, and Jadzz. MAJESTICsnowbird would like to join. Thank you!
if you were there at the start a,d had to leave during the event but your team wins do you still get the prize
woot woot this was so much fun. Thanks for the event krysyy. Merry Christmas. Gratz to all the winners and those that lost too. All of the builds looked great
B0bbythebuild3r, PhoenixAffinity, PikminNate, ChrisTheHylian and myself got 2nd. I didn't take screenshots :/ Thought about it at the time but I was being rushed to get off the computer lol.
It's still open for you to do so =) Anyone can visit the builds at /v design on smp4 for the next few days.