[AUCTION] Harvest Holiday Foodstuffs

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by khixan, Dec 5, 2016.

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  1. Items:
    1 DC Pumpkin Pies
    1 DC Cakes
    1 DC Watermelon Slices
    1 DC Potatoes (raw)
    1 DC Carrots
    1 DC Raw Fish
    1 DC Hay Bales
    Minimum Bid: 100r
    Minimum Bid Increase: 100r
    Ending Time: 48 Hours after last valid bid
    Pickup Location: smp8, /v khixan 2@4th

    Feed your villagers, your animals, and/or have food for an army. Plenty of harvested goods here for all. Happy holidays :)
  2. Thanks for all the bids and bump for the auction :)
    ThaKloned and Equinox_Boss like this.
  3. 9,000r
    khixan and Equinox_Boss like this.
  4. 12k
    khixan likes this.
  5. Wow guys, thanks for the bids! And this is the bump :)
  6. 13k
    khixan likes this.
  7. yummy food to feed to villagers 15k
    khixan likes this.
  8. RandomBumbleBee in the lead currently. Thank you all for the bids :) Final bump from me on this (surprised it went this high tbh).
  9. 17k
    khixan likes this.
  10. 18,000r
    khixan likes this.
  11. 20k
    khixan likes this.
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