[Price Check] 1 Orange Krysyy Head

Discussion in 'Marketplace Discussion' started by Candlewax, Oct 19, 2016.

  1. Hey guys!
    As the title says, how much is an orange Kryssy head worth?
    In need of some money lol :)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  2. 1.0-1.1ish
    TrooperBoom, ShelLuser and Candlewax like this.
  3. A lot...hope this helps lol
    Candlewax and TrooperBoom like this.
  4. Probably well into the 7 digit range
  5. How many exist?
  6. Was sold for 1'037'500r.
    Candlewax, Xatez and no_thing like this.
  7. I'm accepting tips for making the thread :D
    Just kidding, congrats on selling it!
    ThaKloned and TrooperBoom like this.
  8. Lol thanks Candle :)
    Candlewax likes this.