Make a Youtube Page for Empire

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Air_Quality, Oct 25, 2016.

  1. maybe making a youtube page or maybe even asking someone thats a youtuber or someone who wants to be one help make empire noticeable.
  2. have you looked on youtube? emc has a stream team for this
  3. NTS_Bacon likes this.
  4. But I agree with the suggestion, +1

    It's fun and all that the stream team (Jack in particular) has become more active, but I think it would definitely help attract attention if more mainstream sites such as Youtube were also used.

    I didn't even knew this but from several stats on gaming video's it turns out that Minecraft is the most popular topic on Youtube (in the gaming segment). It's even above the highly popular GTA 5 :eek:
    NTS_Bacon likes this.
  5. i mean like someone can do the events what a person would do to get money and how normal drama plays throughout the servers and even go over the tutorial
  6. thank you for telling me but i think we need more people do stuff about Empire. Like what Shelusser was talking about since minecraft is so popular. It might even make more people come and get Supporters to help Empire.
    Maybe make a only youtuber rank for only popular Youtubers
  7. EMpire is the ONLY and BEST economic server i have played. People are nice and rules are fair
    ShelLuser likes this.
  8. What we really need is to update minecraft versions at a reasonable time pace. Current version is 1.10 everywhere and we are still 1.9. I'm sure that if I was looking for a server to play on, I would look for an up to date server and not one that is behind.
  9. true true but i think maybe empire can make an amusement park that other people ask for permission to make rides (with their own items bought) to help atract other people into coming to empire
  10. True, and a fair point also.

    But the Empire has that somewhat covered, sorta ;) 1.10 clients (current version) can connect. And I think it even advertises as 1.10 (or 1.10 ready). So I don't think players are going to get turned off from not being able to use the current version.

    It's a very difficult issue IMO. On one hand it makes sense to keep up to date, but I can also fully understand the reasoning to go with 1.11 in one shot. 1.11 is (IMO anyway) going to be huge. If EMC can be relatively quick about that upgrade... That would definitely help as well.

    Postponing a little bit also helps Aikar & the devs. to save up time and use that for other things.

    Doesn't make your point less valid of course!

    Rumour has it that the games server (which I think is being worked on, but... what do I know ;)) is going to provide just that. Event areas which can also be (somewhat) run by players.

    But... those are but rumours. But I do get the impression that the games server is seriously going to change some of the event games we currently have.
  11. And thus, it will be impossible to get noticed there. Minecraft content is probably the most over-saturated thing on YouTube next to vlogging - all of the YouTubers who make Minecraft content are pretty much exactly the same, and the content is... exactly the same. There's not much room left for uniqueness, and even if there was, how on Earth would EMC get noticed?

    On a side note, Minecraft and Minecraft YouTubers are pretty much the laughing stock of that entire website - not for their humour that's usually about equal to a dead cactus and appeals to twelve year old children, but because they're being made fun of lol.

    Sure, we can do YouTube. We can do weekly, daily, uploads. The question is: what would be the point? How would we get noticed in that ocean of content that's been beaten like a dead horse? What makes our stuff unique - certainly not a let's play in the wild, certainly not watching somebody build something on a residence in town. These things would be immensely boring.

    Like ScareCBoi said: to attract new players, we need to update EMC at a reasonable pace. We need much more unique updates that haven't been done before - back in 2011, town was unique, and when eggification was released that was too - we need more stuff on that level. We need to resurrect the blog and get content coming out at least bi-weekly and shared on all Minecraft-related things possible. YouTube should be the least of this server's worries.

    We need more pictures of our wonderful head admin that have absolute maximum potential for memeification (I cringed writing that disgusting word); for example, this:

    You mean that thing there was 'one more thing' that needed to be wrapped up (something about command blocks) for in August 2014 but then nothing ever happened? And when it was announced, it kind of got the most amount of backlash to an idea I've seen since IcC was demoted?

    Yeaaaah, I think that's about as dead as dragon tombs.

    And I'm saying this as someone who took a liking to the idea when my 'inside source' leaked it to me lol
    ShelLuser likes this.
  12. [About: Minecraft video's being #1 on gaming at Youtube]

    Very good point, but....

    Now, bear with me: I never saw one of Jack's streams yet. It's not that I dislike them, but I'm not really into the idea that I need to watch something in my browser in order to play. Please note: I'm not being negative here, I think it's awesome what Jack is doing (seriously), I'm only explaining why I haven't followed a stream yet.

    But having that out of the way: Jack's adventures are massive. I peeked at the server he was on a few times, and like any good EMC event plenty of players are getting into the action and having fun (and THIS is why I think those events rule, even though I hardly participate myself).

    Youtube? Now, I don't follow everything but 90% of the youtubers I know act solo. One exception I'm aware of being PopularMMO's but I got bored with that a long time ago because what I liked most was their crafting dead series, and that seems to have ended unexpectedly (like amounts are more important than fans).

    But EMC? Jack's events attract dozens of players. It's not a solo act, it's a massive event which many players attend to. There's your difference right there.


    Who gives a flying hoodlum about what others think? Sorry, that somewhat hit a nerve :p A good yet somewhat distant high school friend told me last year (or close enough) that he really didn't get it why I was so fascinated about "a game for 10 year olds" (Minecraft). I think I even vented a bit about that on the forums.

    Yeah, then we started talking and I, in my own way, explained a little bit about Minecraft. Poor guy got his brains blown out when I showed him what redstone was truly about. Last time I met him he told me that he got his own Minecraft account and was going to help test / bugfix his sons adventure map and after that he was going to 'port' his TTL schematics into Minecraft (long, long story) :p

    Roughly 1 month after he wondered why I'd play a game for 10 year olds :D

    I'd also like to argue that Minecraft is one of the most misunderstood games of the century :)

    Very fair points.

    However... Given the amount of new players EMC gets per day/week I'd say that we shouldn't worry about attracting at all. Worry more about actually keeping them on the Empire! I've seen this a bit too many times: new player finishes the tutorial, ends up in the Frontier, gets confused (also can't ask for help!) and poof!

    I started to apply a new personal policy: whenever I see someone step into the Frontier I'm warning them about it. Pronto! Some time ago someone plain out told me that "he figured it could be bad, he didn't expect it was that bad!" (read: he was lost, and he had no clue on how to get out. Chatting also didn't do him much good, and all of a sudden there was this pm from this luser guy :D).

    Said player still plays last I checked.

    As to blog.... Let's not go there :D

    But more seriously: I sincerely think the issue isn't about attracting new players, it's to keep 'm.
  13. i just think that empire might need some amusement in this server. it will keep people happy and maybe even maybe expand some more space around in this area. (i make mazes which i blow up because there is nothing else amusing here) I still think we should be happy being and supporting empire. (also giving children a reason to get supporters for empire) I like how this conversation is going.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  14. i mine for a living (on emc and not actually a living i just like to) and thats not even amusing but i mine because i owe someone becase they gave me $10 to help me get diamond supporter (wasnt fair tha i got diamond so i owe em)