[ SELLING ] Promos for all!

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by Gartanno, Mar 22, 2016.


Do you watch pokemon?

3w n0. Thts f9r n0b3z 13 vote(s) 35.1%
Of course! Pokemon for life, bruh! 24 vote(s) 64.9%

  1. "Whats still available?" You may ask. Here is a list:
    Starter shovel unused
    Cupid bow
    Marlix bow
    Glitch block
  2. Of course spoopy has that lol
  3. Paid :)
  4. Paid ^-^
    We3_Nub likes this.
  5. Mailed. Thank you!
    ThaKloned likes this.
  6. Mailed. Thanks!
  7. wait wat i need to change my shop price i was selling them for 30r lol
    #edit they are now 3000
  8. 5.5k for glitch block?
  9. That cupid bow there... How much?
  10. These are soulbound cow/sheep eggs from the starter set. Don't base your price of me. I don't think they were worth as much as I paid tbh but I offered it. 3k per egg is way too much.
  11. Hmm... Does 8.5k work?
  12. Sure. I'll pay now.
  13. Mailing. Thanks
  14. I can buy the Bow now, I voted and have 30k now. Is the bow used? When it is over half "health" I wont buy it.
    Pic please
  15. Its not used at all. Will mail after payment. I do not have a picture, it is in the promo chest at /v 19063@s
    CallumDAKing likes this.
  16. I paid you
  17. Mailed
  18. "Whats still available?" You may ask. Here is a list:
    Starter shovel unused
    Cupid bow
    NEW TO THE LIST! Marlix Chestplate
  19. Spoopy, how much for the Marlix Chestplate?