Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2016 Edition)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Jan 1, 2016.

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  1. Today is February 23
    Today I turn 21 and for my 21st birthday I did my hair
    I present to you a before and after of the new pinkqueen95 aka tomijo95 aka tomi


  2. happy birthday tomi! you look really good!! have a good birthday
    607 likes this.
  3. Happy 21st! I'd recommend a glass of Condrieu Viognier to celebrate!

    Also dig the hair. The gal literally did exactly that style and color about a week ago.

    x3lucyy and I at a special evening of nunderground dining that consisted of black truffles, Dungeness crab, cheese smuggled from Switzerland and copious amounts of wine! Regrettably, this is the only photo we're both in, and of course my eyes are closed.

    And just for kicks, here's a couple of the 6 courses.

    And lastly, the evening's menu.

    Sorry in advance for making any of you hungry.
  4. Thank you tayla!!!!
  5. 21? :eek: You do not look 21. :rolleyes: Happy Birthday Tomi. Hope you have a great day, and many more to come. ;)

  6. I am Saiviouss ( SAY-vee-ess) , I am new to EMC and already decided to be a Supporter due to the friendly yet personalized atmosphere of the servers ..hehehe just got off the night shift and am tired as usual.. lol
    I am a Minecraft Veteran of 4 years with previous experience as Owner, Administrator, Moderator and Helper on many different servers (public and private). I came to EMC after doing some research on good, clean servers. I am impressed and am sure to still be. I work at a local Gas station(petrol) and enjoy it as much as I do everything else in life. My life is far from perfect but I try to enjoy every moment when I can. So without further Conversation(I type alot lol) I Introduce myself SAIVIOUSS.
  7. Awesome! I'm glad you're here! :)
    Saiviouss, ToddV and BlinkyBinky like this.
  8. This is myself. G'day from Australia ;)
  9. Happy looking couple. :)
    Hi Saiviouss. Welcome to the Empire. Enjoy your stay.

  10. Tongariro Crossing, 27th Feb, 2016. :D
  11. You got to be lying no way your 21 i dont believe that xD
    Saiviouss likes this.
  12. lots of people don't look their age. lol
    take me for example.. everyone thinks i'm years younger than what i am. carded for life.
    and then my mother is an example.. people think she's more my age than her actual age, and hardly believe her when she says i'm her daughter .. lolol i guess i have good aging genes lol
    IamTheNub and DSE_Shopkeeper_A like this.
  13. I was just messing with her :p.
  14. You all are such cuties awe
    IamTheNub, DSE_Shopkeeper_A and 607 like this.
  15. I guess its time after my almost 4 years of being on this server and my rejuvenated wish to be part of the community that i post something on this thread

    Hi this is me

  16. Cami got a new haircut :p
  17. i bought makeup for myself for the fist time in 6 years.. and i honestly can say i love what came out of it! :D
  18. :O You're gorgeous. That's all.
    Brooke1965, 607 and battmeghs like this.
  19. Ok finally edited my first post to include a picture.. not a great one taken from my potato phone. I was tempted to add an older pic, where I didn't look so.. *ahem* fluffy is one term a comedian used. :p but the deed is done
    607 likes this.
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