As you all know, if you have a friend online when you log in this message pops up (bottom of image): Once you click on "View" a list of your online friends will be displayed, like so: It's great that it shows that my friends are online, but why doesn't it show which server they're located on? I realize I could just /p their name, but that's just one extra step that could possibly be eliminated. I suggest to add the server location of the online player by hovering your cursor over the players name. It'd be a lot easier than /p-ing each of their names to find where they are. Let me know what you guys think!
Gonna go with the unpopular opinion and say... great idea! So long as it would be simple to implement, I see no downsides to having more info available in the list. Maybe instead of needing to hover over the name it could just be put with a little dash like... ---Online Friends List---1. ItsMemeMatheus - smp22. whatotherfriends - utopia
You literally bumped this AFTER I deployed this exact request: lol....