Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2016 Edition)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Jan 1, 2016.

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  1. This is gonna be a two parter for me! Since I don't have a good picture of me with my face actually in the frame.
    Anyways without further adue here is the first part!

    And no I don't always dress like that, it was for christmas :p
  2. What is that phone?
    MustangLover25 likes this.
  3. I know a movie called Because of Winn Dixie ( fyi Winn Dixie is a dog in it ) :p
  4. oh and i think that dog was named after a grocery store they were in....XD

  5. The dog was found running around the Winn Dixie and the child took it out and adopted it. It was an award winning book also.
    Kytula and 607 like this.

  6. My friend (Right) and I (Left) went to see X-Games and DeadMau5 concert. It was awesome.
    FadedMartian, HxCami10, ToddV and 5 others like this.
  7. Lucky!
  8. My sister met the dog who acted Winn Dixie, at a dog show.
    TheDarkModRises likes this.

  9. My first selfie of the year! Also sorry for the blurry quality, my phone sucks with photos
  10. Ehh it's fine, let me guess you have a droid too :p
  11. Ugh yeah, I've had my phone for 2 years so it's an older model too
    FoxyRavenger likes this.

  12. Hey guys this is me, just getting some work done in the gym!
  13. Just a small update,my face isnt in this but I changed my hair color.
  14. 10/10
  15. Luckygreenhair
    DufnePoodle, ArkWarrior1 and Qkazooo like this.
  16. this is an honor king birb

  17. Does a gif count instead? :D
  18. TheSpyPie says: Ima fudge yo shiz up! *pew* *pew* *pewpewpewpewpewpew*
    HennessyVenomGT likes this.
  19. So, that's me. Yeas, i used to be in a band (this pick is from september 2015...oh, it's in the picture hahahah)

    And that's a more recent picture (from this year) , my wife and me.
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