Sent you a message but just so its out in the open(So its not missed ) Casino Contest: In Game Name: Cyrath Server: SMP5 Casino Name: 8ball casino. Your theme you are basing your casino on: Many uses of, Redstone. Additional Information: This Casino was funded, made, and is owned by Cyrath, Thunderskins, and Erosego. The Casino is held on Cyraths res.
!!!!!!!!update!!!!!!! ALL ENTRIES HAVE BEEN COUNTED UP!!!!! time for the JUDGING! FIRST ROUND is right now!
Bobaek! please have a valid res..... i could not go onto ur res! that is a 1 point deduction! And please dont lock up ur casino... u know it is judging day... so any casino that is locked... im only judging outside with no point penalty.
FIRST ROUND POINTS! NOTE! The bonus rupees could not be delivered we had 2 first places for looks! So no bons rupees will be delivered! Sorry Standings: 1.zzbell: 10 1.xI_LIKE_A_PIGx: 10 3.14wcooley: 9 3.lehmaqr: 9 5.hwilson: 8 6.blupoizOn: 7.5 6.louiskwL 7.5 8.redwing: 7 8.oreokookie: 7 9.Bobaek: N/A