Alts naming?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by KandK22, Jan 2, 2016.

  1. Gonna need to know more about you if we're to come up with a good username for you
  2. I like the choice :)
  3. ty
    ArkWarrior1 likes this.
  4. what are the other names going to be?
  5. SpecificWillikers
    amadai, ArkWarrior1 and Rhythmicaly like this.
  6. preety much changing begining to all millitary ranks
    Kytula, amadai and ArkWarrior1 like this.
  7. GreenMeanie

    Only 3 are registered on EMC

    EDIT: They are all my accounts
    ArkWarrior1 likes this.
  8. Lol you shall hence forth be referred to as 'G'Willikers :p
  9. I like this thread, kinda show what I did.
    FoxyRavenger_1 likes this.
  10. Please don't...
  11. Nah we can show em our structure.
  12. The structure of our time spent logging in and out of forums? Yeah, our structure is run by some simpleton.
  13. As you can tell...

    I have alts with _[#]

    FoxyShop [I'll be changing it soon] Is for my mall signs and I will be loading a predetermined amount into the account. The alts purpose is to so I am not drained of rupees.
  14. GeneralWillikers

    Lol you get the point;)