Thanks for some who ruin the game experience for others.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Oleyy, May 1, 2012.

  1. Yes. I've played several female characters, and as long as you can rest easy with your concience (and sexual identity!), it's amazing how much rare loot and gold you can get.

    Although it can be quite expensive in Real Life, what with all those hot showers you have to take to cleanse that dirty feeling from your body.


    My mind is full of rage on this subject. :D
  2. On the internet everyone is a boy unless proven otherwise! I get a kick out of thinking about how much all these other guys he "flirts" with would freak out if they knew.
    kilmannan likes this.
  3. Aha! Someone else that follows my school of thought that all females online are actually fat, nekkid beardy men. I knew I wasn't alone!

    I've told a few people after they've given me stuff. Normally because it's got to PM's and all sorts of suggestive and (not very) seductive actions. They rage, I laugh. I also weep, because if their attempts to seduce me were as good as it gets, I can see mankind is going to have a population crash soon. :)
  4. Nekkid - lawls.. big big lawls

    Nerd rage makes life enjoyable.
  5. I give free stuff to guys and gals.

    Does this mean i'm bisexual? :s
    nmanley likes this.
  6. Hah, have no worries. Their attempts are probably more like the worst it gets. ;)
  7. Hehe. Don't worry, I'm getting to that.
  8. Yeah, but then we have the 200k deal and the 15k you owe me :p
  9. Exactly, that's what I'm working on.