Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2015 Edition)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Jan 1, 2015.

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  1. Welcome Nave :) and you admit that. :eek::p
    quiltingnanny likes this.
  2. I haven't posted in a while, so here you go. Have a squad photo, I'm the one in the glasses :)

  3. Completely forgot about this thread :)

    Will post a photo later this week!
  4. I was getting gas the other day.
  5. Yeah so this happened.
  6. Here I am! I was minding my business on a normal drive and all of a sudden sixteen different colored sheep were in my way. Needless to say, I then decided that I had to bring them to a safe location - EMC.

    Deshoda, Olaf_C, Melk73 and 12 others like this.
  7. I see a resemblance....

    I'm sorry, but in a way, I'm not ;)

  8. Nice! :)
  9. *Ahem* Lets play nice, and use this thread as intended.
    If someone does not feel comfortable posting pics of themselves, let it be.

    Remember, we have seen pics of family, pets, etc... from lots of players.

    Start a convo if need be, but now...

    Back on Topic!
  10. Ill have a selfie of me up soon!
    highlancer54 likes this.
  11. Took me awhile to post one up as well ;)
    But, have done one each year thus far.
    Only place yall will really see me. I don't do much online.
  12. I may post a pic of myself or something about myself later....
  13. From what I can tell, your dad is a successful lawyer. Probably gets paid a ton, amirite?

  14. Thread cleaned up. As said in earlier post - let's all play nice. Back to being on topic.

  15. in my favorite place doing my favorite thing
    AnonReturns, Olaf_C, whatkom and 12 others like this.
  16. Syrio Forel - Braavosi Mountain Bike Rider & Professional Swordfighter.
  17. I, too, am a bike.
  18. I never knew bikes enjoyed being rode..
  19. They actually enjoy it too much... yeah...
  20. is that dwight in the background?
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