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Jun 12, 2015
Aug 2, 2011
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Prominent Member, Male

Happy Birthday, IcecreamCow! Jun 11, 2015

GameKribJEREMY was last seen:
Jun 12, 2015
    1. Kenokam
      Totally post block'd.
    2. NeonIsDaddyAF
      hey whenever i try to put a pic in the thing below, after i make a comment, the signature thing, it always comes up as like a box with a ? in it. how do i put the picture in?
      1. GameKribJEREMY
        What is the URL of the image you're trying to post?
        Feb 7, 2012
    3. GameKribJEREMY
      XxBoWnZxX666: "You don't update your status very much xD" Done! :D
      1. pietdagamer and XxBoWnZxX666 like this.
      2. XxBoWnZxX666
        Haha Awesome :P
        Feb 7, 2012
      3. MR2R2M
        haha lol
        Feb 10, 2012
    4. nayll
      hello my gamer name in minecraft is nayll I have been bad login , I want to hear why and if I can get on again
    5. XxBoWnZxX666
      You don't update your status very much xD
    6. EmpireShop
      Hi Sir, I am really gobsmacked by what you have got running here :) Awesome work man! You and Justin both!
      1. pietdagamer likes this.
    7. ragsy88
      Jeremy can u plz unbanned me cause i did nothing and got banned i i can have my account back that would be really good thx!
    8. 621op
      jeremy plz tell me how to get unbanned
    9. 621op
      i really want to get back on this server
    10. 621op
      jeremy how do iget unbanned
    11. awsomeantz1
      Hello just heard about smp5 would you like me to moderate onthat server and I will also help all the new members who go onbthat server
      1. MaximusCR
        I would like to do the same thing
        Feb 2, 2012
      2. Strawberrys13
        Hi guys, you guys will have to apply to be a moderator. I don't have a link for it, but I'm sure you can get it somewhere on the site. But don't get your hopes up. I'm sure you guys would be great moderating, but they get over 100 applications every day. So it's not very likely to get in. But I sure wish you luck :D
        Feb 2, 2012
    12. FrostySplits
      Could you guys take all my stuff and deactivate my lot or something? - Used X-ray when the server was in 1.8 although i almost never come on the server. Lot number 1955
    13. Th0rbardin
      is there a way to make it so players cant do damage to others dogs and soon cats. and can u make it so that you can take your dog into town and back to your res from the wild. i am a diamond supporter and other wise pretty satisfied o and also is it possible to reset the wild a little more often
      1. Socks2
        There will be cats in the game?
        Feb 3, 2012
    14. yigitusta9
      Hello I am thinking of making exchange rates graph chart for empire economy about all blocks and items every week, will it be helpful for community?
      1. Squizzel_Boy
        Could you email it to me I'm interested :)
        Feb 10, 2012
      2. yigitusta9
    15. dshane0
      Hi I was banned apparently for griefing 8300 even though we were working together. This is a mistake and I would like to be unbanned. I love this server and would no nothing of such to get banned from it. Thanks, dshane0.
      1. Strawberrys13
        Hi Dshane, To possibly get unbanned from the server, you will need to go to the ban Appeals forum and then post why you would like to be un-banned from the server. You will have to include reasons on why they should let you join the Empire again. I hope this helps :D
        Feb 2, 2012
      2. dshane0
        Thanks bro but it was for 1 day.
        Feb 2, 2012
      3. Strawberrys13
        Okay, well if you get banned for a longer time you still need to know to go to the ban appeals :)
        Feb 3, 2012
    16. InfamousNova
      plz just un-ban me i wont do it again , i made a stupid mistake!
    17. InfamousNova
      i got banned for giving my friend my phone number on the server, i really love this server and i dont want to leave ot.. plz un-ban me i just wanna play
      1. Strawberrys13
        Infamous, you will need to go to the ban Appeals and post a thread on why you would like to be un-banned from the server and give good reasons on why they should let you back onto the server.
        Feb 2, 2012
    18. martijnfct1
      Hey im now playing a long time on the server and really like it. But i wanna do more , i wanna be a mod to help the server being better and better.
      Edit: Do i need to pay for being a mod?
      1. Strawberrys13
        No Mart, you don't have to pay to become a moderator, but you do have to apply for it. I think you should ask a moderator or one of the admins for the link (probably in a conversation would be the best idea) But just don't get your hopes up because they get over 100 (and since now they have over 10,000 members onto the smp servers, lol I couldn't even imagine how many they get now. I hope this helps!
        Feb 2, 2012
    19. BlackElement422
      Hi, i was "banned" from empireminecraft for using an xray texturepack, i sware, that if i can have my account back on the server , i will NEVER use it again.
      1. Strawberrys13
        Black, you will have to go to the ban appeals to get back onto the server. I hope this helps. Just know that you have to put in reasons (good ones obviously) And you will get in if they (the moderators and admins) would allow you to be back on the server. :D
        Feb 2, 2012
      2. BlackElement422
        I'm,allready back on the server lol:)
        Feb 20, 2012
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