The game is available on both Mobile and Switch, its free to play on both. The game has its issues including overly expensive cosmetic changes for...
Pokemon has ruled much of my free time, most of which has been dedicated to the MOBA under their branch, Pokemon Unite. If you have not played or...
Wordle 519 5/6 ⬛⬛⬛⬛🟩 ⬛🟩🟩⬛🟩 ⬛🟩🟩⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Nice for my first one :)
That's gotta be one of the easiest ones to date.
Dang, shundo's are really rare, especially when its not from a scripted encounter like legendaries after a raid battle.
Not bad, btw I will clarify that the absolute minimum naturally occurring speed is 45, so thats not that far off.
That is, in fact the same problem xD its also incredibly low odds to breed the extreme other. I had ran calcs for a plethora of tests, and yeah,...
lol people forget them all the time. i wouldn't be surprised if someone played a version younger than 1.6 that they wouldn't know about them. Fun...
Dry Ice
That and I tend to twitch my feet and rather not accidentally hit it from under the desk.
Glad you think so! It's a HP Omen 30L model, that one in particular has a AMD Ryzen CPU and a NVIDIA Geforce graphics card. Currently in that...
:cool: finally rejoined the PC gang: [IMG]
Yeah it appears i wasn't added yet, also its probably a better idea to put it as PhoenixAffinity if you can do that instead.
Ark hehe, so i will admit ive been out of practice with the game mostly cause my current hardware makes playing the game strenuous. i can't deny PVP...
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