[IMG] "Work look" :rofl: :lmao: Safety glasses and a hardhat type of hat. (it's not an actual hardhat, but it has protective layer in it and it...
Same here. Just...don't remember WHAT I have in there. :rofl: :lmao:
Needed to see the doctor today... [IMG] The hairdoctor!! :p Also watched 2-3 episodes The Doctor on amazon prime...:rofl: :lmao:
Didn't post 2022, so here it is...sorry about that. :rofl: :lmao: [IMG]
Google search: kitchen triangle!! Use that as base for your layout and you cannot go wrong. Before we had a straight cabinet lineup in our...
Live in the northern Europe, where the polar bears live, next to Russians :D (it's about 60-70km drive to the Russian border from here). I have an...
Same happened today, when I migrated to M$: after migration, only Demo was available. :mad: Looked their help pages and did everything, no help.....
Nice job there. :+1: Building a house for your self has been something I have dreamed about (not for the fact, that I have a carpenter education :p...
Wallpaper material!! Nice!! :love: :<3::+1:
Enderchest might be good at the lot. ;)
1. My fiancé. Met online almost 7 years ago. :eek: 2. Looking for miracle. :D (it was, before I met my fiancé :love: :<3: ) 3. Dinner with the fiancé...
The masklook @ work. [IMG]
[IMG] I use these every day, if I'm driving my car (summertime, I use crocs when driving). [IMG] These are for the cold winter days, if I need to...
Winamp It Really Whips the Llama's Ass [media] :rofl: :lmao::rofl: :lmao:
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