[AUCTION] 3 DCs of Player Heads!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by ivanivanchenchen, Jul 29, 2015.

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  1. ill pay 23k
  2. and i would like images if possible please
  3. You can only bid higher than the last bid in an auction so you can't bid 23k. As of now you would have to pay over 75,325 r.
  4. Preview signs are up on 1800 on SMP1, in one of the corners.
    And please check all pages before posting :)
  5. kyukyu99, I believe you have won!
    The access signs will be set up at /v 9999 auction tomorrow if I can get on, or possibly tonight.
    As of this reply, awaiting payment.
  6. Chests are up. Awaiting Payment.
    Could any mod please lock this thread and throw it into the archives please?
    Thank you!
  7. wooo hoooo!!!! I'm paying now!!!!! I'm so glad!
  8. paid and picked! thank you!!!
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