Just a little thank you to our EMC staff

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by MiphaOfTheZora, Jul 23, 2015.

  1. After being inspired by EvilToades post

    I felt the need to send the love right back to our friendly neighborhood staff members.
    I haven't personally been on EMC very long, compared to a lot of ya'll. But I see the staff, (the ones I've had the pleasure of interacting a little bit with) working hard to keep everyone as happy as humanly possible.

    Exhibit A)

    As far as I know the only heads up we had about them throwing a drop party was, just them calling out in town chat for people to come! #RandomActofKindness Just for fun giving us Impromptu, free, goodies.

    I've heard tell about how awesome Matheus, was to the "survivors" last night during the DDOS attacks also. So I know I'm not alone in this feeling of gratitude to all those who 'Volunteer!' their time and abilities to make our time on EMC, our game-play, that much more enjoyable.

    In conclusion Here's a BIG THANK YOU to the 36* (going off those listed here http://empireminecraft.com/XenStaff/) staff members who help make EMC what it is. For a lot of people it's a pleasant place to call a "home away from home."

    *I hope I counted correctly. If not I apologize.
  2. *Starts Crying*
    So beautiful.

    Seriously, Three Cheers to our awesome staff!
    Chespinlover77 and Kytula like this.
  3. If a luckygreedbird is a pirate he is my captain but I will not admit it. Oh wait...:confused:
    Luckygreenbird, you be the blasting powder of my cannon. You are the bees knees.

    All moderators should be appreciated equally though. You make this server what it is today. Keep making this server a fun place for everyone.
    boozle628 and Kytula like this.
  4. Looks like you have a photo bomber in the background :p
    Kytula and boozle628 like this.
  5. #StaffFTW!
    Kytula likes this.