Your favourite minecraft youtuber?

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by Mindlegokid, Apr 24, 2012.

  1. same, and bluexephos
  2. How do you not enjoy zackscott videos i they are hillarious but i agree they have gotten worse but arew still awesome.
    hayleycolgan likes this.
  3. 400 and something episodes... its hard to keep something going on that long and it still be as enjoyable.. take a look at the simpsons.
    snozles, imBobertRobert and nab27 like this.
  4. The Simpsons are still good.
    IcecreamCow likes this.
  5. 1.) Antvenom
    2.) Captainsparklez
    3.) Cavemanfilms
    4.) skydoesminecraft
    thats it!
  6. I would have to say ethoslab, YOGSCAST, sips, sjin and captainsparklez (I can't decide who to watch:confused:)
  7. Ummm idont get it.....
  8. Paulsoaresjr.
    Empire Minecast
    And yes, I'll say ISmooch too. :p
    ISMOOCH likes this.
  9. I have a lot of favorites.... like PauseUnpause, Guudebolderfist, Ethoslab, CaptainSparkles, etc etc, the list goes on
  10. And Empire Minecast <3
  11. ChimneySwift11
    [I love T.Q.F. on The Minecraft Files {ChimneySwift11's main show} ]
  12. the yogscast and captain sparklez (but mostly the yogscast :p)
  13. if there were multiple like buttons I would click them all..
    Yukon1200, snozles and ShadyShannon like this.
  14. I have to say:
    ChimneySwift, Wolv21 & Luclinmcwb
    Errmmm, I think that's it XD Oh, and I've been watching a few AntVenom vids lately too.
  15. JoeHillsTSD
    Like lkirk98 >> PauseUnpause, Guudebolderfist, Ethoslab, CaptainSparkles

    Troy Parker

    Who the heck is this guy...and gal!!! :eek:


    This guy is part of the Ethos, Guude, pauseunpause clan and his dry british humor will have you ROLLING on the floor. :D

    Yes, I check all these guys channels every day. They work hard at it and I'm glad to support their effort with likes on their videos.

    I forgot to add Luclinmcwb too. :oops:
  16. I like some antvenom captainsparklez yogscast chmneyswift and tobygames. :p
    hayleycolgan likes this.
  17. Nice list nmanley.. And always appreciate your support.
    nmanley likes this.
  18. Skitscape :)
    mrman54blobulus likes this.
  19. oh ya him too. :p That mushroom isladn series of theirs is my fav.
    AlexChance likes this.