Moderator Application [Updated February 17th, 2012]

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by GameKribJEREMY, Nov 25, 2011.

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  1. I really want to be a moderator to be able to help people but It won't make me immune to grieving ect. Moderators are here to keep the community safe and fun. Although I don't think I would be able to move away from the fun of the game for just a second to kick or ban someone.
    Edit: Mods could be compared to the members of interpol. They try to keep everyone safe wherever in the world they are. Mods have to keep players safe wherever in the empire they are.

    And a bit off topic is there anyone on the empire high enough ranked or even just a member who is in creative?
    Squizzel_Boy likes this.
  2. mba... if you read the 1st posts of this forum post you would know to fill out the application and that posting on here does not improve your chances of becoming a mod.
  3. I have not submitted an application or are going to in the near future. I am just giving what I think mods are since that seems to be the trend on this thread recently.
  4. Ok so I am probably not going to be a moderator :( My second time trying out thanks...
  5. Lol, your chances would not have tanked if you hadn't posted about sending it in :)
    jkjkjk182, S_R_L_B and AlexChance like this.
  6. Remember, act like you havent posted anything, just be nice, I'm sure they're watching us. :) Good luck all of you who have.
    AlexChance likes this.
  7. Do they say if u got the job or not?
  8. No. You just get chosen.. or you don't.
    SecretAznEks and AlexChance like this.
  9. I never get answer :/
  10. you don't say -.- xD yeah well If your now what they are looking for then its nopt the job for you I mean I'd love to be a moderator but its not going to happen XD
  11. XD
    Squizzel_Boy likes this.
  12. Welcome to Mod Applications. The first rule of Mod Applications is: you do not talk about Mod Applications. The second rule of Mod Applications is: you DO NOT talk about Mod Applications!
  13. Im pos
    Well I'm posting because thatswhat you do when you are bored sick xD
    vividOptimism likes this.
  14. the website woodnt work so here is mi applcaton form in fool pleese give me the job i can start immeedeatelee.

    thanks. application.jpg
  15. St one needs to be i dont get it xD but that made me giglle xD
  16. But he isnt green yet D: xD
  17. I have just notice that we are not really suppost to post here but this is the most posed page on by me xD im like asking to be tooked on like -.- xD i should stop posting here...
  18. Alright, how did you get my application?
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