-=Chew's Art Shop=-

Discussion in 'Artists' Gallery' started by moonolotl, Jul 5, 2015.

  1. -Chew's Art Shop-

    As most of you know, I used to have a Free Drawing Thread. Because I got WAY too many orders on that I decided to start a payed version. These drawings will be more complex, and there will be more styles and types to choose from!

    [Open - {Closed}]
    1. Defne_The_Boss
    2. Skunkman2011
    3. AwesomeBuilder33
    4. Agent_Creeper23
    5. KarateKitKat


    -Do not order another drawing if your already waiting for one
    -Do not sell or make a profit from my art
    -Do not steal someone's art that was made by me
    -Give me credit if you use my art for anything

    -Chibi Icon - 1000r-

    -Chibi Full Body - 2000r-

    -Chibi Scene - 4000r -

    -Chibi Scene (2 people) - 5000r-

    -Anime Icon - 2000r-

    I have no clue why there are two. Uh help? ;w;

    Donate to keep the service going! You can mail Chewsy4 Items or pay me money and either way your name will be shown down here!

  2. Oooo! Nice to see this back up again. :D
    I'll take a Chibi Icon for 1000r. Is it alright if I'm a little delayed on the payment?
    Chewsy4 likes this.
  3. It's fine
  4. This is so cool! I'll take a chibi icon! Will pay ASAP! :D
    Chewsy4 likes this.
  5. Hmm, I'll take a chibi icon of an arctic fox with glasses please :) (Practically a chibi version of my current profile pic) (Without pixelated glasses, by the way)
    I'll pay 10k, since your work is awesome!

    I changed my profile pic - I'll try to remember to post a link to my old one once I go on my computer.

    I changed it back :p
    Chewsy4 likes this.
  6. [EDIT - Nevermind I added 2 more spaces XD]
  7. I'll take a Chibi Icon. :D I'll pay 1k right now. C;

    Chewsy4 likes this.
  8. Oh,just so you know, I'll take the icon of my SKIN, not my forum picture XD
    In case you need it,
    Chewsy4 likes this.
  9. Can I have a Chibi Icon of my skin please. Pretty much a girl with brown hair, aqua eyes, and cat ears. I'll pay right now. Thanks!
    Chewsy4 likes this.
  10. You should start selling hand-drawn wallpapers. I'll be willing to pay 3K if you make some 1920 x 1080 ones. =D
    Chewsy4 likes this.
  11. Also, I'm still using the one your drew for me as my profile picture. =P
    Chewsy4 likes this.
  12. And here's some ASCII art:
    …………………………………………………………………….'|:::::|: : : : : : : : : : : : : |,'
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  13. Wow, I draw Chibi Drawings Too!
  14. kwel x3
  15. Thanks. Maybe I'll post some pictures on Imgur for you guys to see...
    Chewsy4 likes this.
  16. Thats good...
  17. Sorry to all of the people who have orders to be filled, I will be doing them in one to two weeks because it's the end of the school year and I'm leaving to go to high school and stuff and I'm so busy so I have no time, sorry guys
    Agent_Creeper23 likes this.
  18. No worries, feel free to take your time. =P

    Chewsy4 likes this.
  19. It's cool. =P Wait, I don't even have an order... Meh, whatever, take your time Chewsy.
    Chewsy4 likes this.
  20. Can I get a Chibi Icon, please? Thank you!