[AUCTION] Over 350k Worth of promos beginins at 1r!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Builder_Wolff, Jun 27, 2015.


Are ducks cooler than wolffs?

woof 16 vote(s) 61.5%
Quak 10 vote(s) 38.5%
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  1. I may have a small bite, but I have a great bark.

    Wait a minute . . .

    wolffpack58 likes this.
  2. I like that pelt of yours... :D
    wolffpack58 likes this.
  3. You can take it from my cold, dead hands.

    sam3984 and wolffpack58 like this.
  4. Paws are not Hands my friend!
    sam3984 and wolffpack58 like this.
  5. Are you pawsative?

    sam3984 and wolffpack58 like this.
  6. Bump! Still pretty cheap!
  7. Bump! Still cheap! Wow! Dramanya the flowers now this?!
  8. well, at least im not fighting you on this :D
    wolffpack58 likes this.
  9. Bump! I need the money for a Diamond Voucher! Imma move to SMP6!
  10. Bump! Still cheap! I want to move to SMP6 Guyzzzz =P
  11. Bump! Dramanya wins in a few hours! Very cheap still >-<
  12. oooo i won right?
  13. Yep^^ Access will we setup when paid!
    And when I get back to town...
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