The title says it all My favorite YouTubers are Rhett & Link, WhyBeAre, and NerdCubed (Mild-language warning). Feel free to post down below your favorite YouTubers! Note: Please state if the YouTubers aren't PG
Good Mythical Morning (Rhett & Link), WhyBeAre, Walterrific and YourPalsChrisAndAl are the YouTubers I view mostly (The last channel I mentioned usually contains swearing in videos)
My top 4 for Minecraft are... Mumbo Jumbo (redstone) PG Keralis (inspiration)PG bdoubleo100 (inspiration)PG Sarah Soper (funny, Sarcasm) Not so PG Mild Language
Myself , I only really like Super Best Friends/Two best friends/ The Sw1thcer (All one channel) [They are PG-13 to R]
I watch EthosLab [Redstone/Survival] Ssundee[Yeah] NightHawkInLight [DIY] BdoubleOO [Interesting Content] Grant Thompson "King of Random" [ULTRA DIY]
Mumbo Jumbo is one of mine. But my kids and I have started watching one of our very one emc'ers just_five_fun and a_little_fun have become our favorites
My favorite Youtubers would be CaptainSparklez (Minecraft), Marriland (Pokémon), TheGuitahHeroe (great Pokemon mystery dungeon remasters), Ssundee, and quill18 (various games).
I'm a daily watcher of good mythical morning and their after show good mythical more <3 I've got a few shirts from them too. absolutely love them! these others I watch but not as often as GMM olan rogers, thescatsbury, howtobasic
I have been building content for a couple of months that is g rated and kids seem to enjoy. We are very thankful for all the support from our friends on Emc. For our favorite YouTubers, we watch stampy constantly (g rated). I enjoy I ballistic squid (pg rated). My son likes markup lyre and septic eye but my spellchecker doesn't. (Lots of language) Will have to check out some of these other suggestions