[Est. Outpost] Asharia

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by AshBlue789, Mar 22, 2015.

  1. R.I.P April Vacation...
    My time frame is kind of varying because
    Baseball, School, and annoying mother :mad:
    But hopefully I can get on and be here :D
    AshBlue789 likes this.
  2. Did anyone show you around yet (Lukafolz) by any chance if not I can give you directions
  3. No, but I can't today. Tomorrow hopefully :)
  4. I will PM you directions I still can't get on :mad:
  5. I HAVE FOUND ONE....... A Underwater Temple!!!!!:D
    Skelly Farm
    Zombie XP Farm
    Blaze Farm (I am currently working on this)
    Gaurdian Farm( I am currently working on this)
  7. Chicken Farm.... DONE