Discussion in 'Player Guides, Tips and Tricks' started by JackBiggin, May 3, 2015.

  1. For the world's best "guide" title, see above.

    So yeah, recently EMC seems to have got some newer (and younger) members, who don't completely understand what a forum is. Since it can be quite difficult to explain to them without offending them, or them taking it the wrong way, I've made this thread as a sorta "hey, welcome, this is how thing works" one. It you think someone might take being told something directly the wrong way, try linking them here.

    Okay, if you were linked here - read below:
    The EMC Forums is where different people on EMC can talk about EMC, Minecraft in general, and other stuff in the relevant sections. When you want to talk about something, you should look for a thread about it - for example: if I wanted to post a picture of myself, I would post in the Show Yourself Thread. However, I wouldn't post there if I wanted to post a picture of a potato, since I'm not a potato, and that would be considered going off topic. Going off topic is generally considered rude, so please don't do it.

    If you can't see a thread about something you'd like to talk about, and still want to talk about it, you can make a new thread. Make sure you make your thread in the right section (also known as a subforum) though. If you don't, it might have to be moved, or could just be locked. For example, I wouldn't post a thread about how I love Aikats in the auction section, since it isn't an auction.

    Generally, thread's are quite broad. For example, most of the time, it's best to post a thread about "OMG ISN'T POKEMON AMAZING!?!?", rather than "OMG, ISN'T THIS TREE IN POKEMON SHINY ORANGE ON ROUTE 9001 AMAZING!??!!". That said, don't try to be too broad with a thread - since that has it's own problems. :p

    Don't feel like you need to make your own thread about everything either. There's nothing wrong with posting something on-topic on someone else's thread - in fact, it's easier for people to chat that way!

    Sometimes, people make threads with their ideas and suggestions for EMC. Since threads are public, most of the time, you'll get people replying saying if they agree with the idea, or how to improve it (although sometimes you might need to wait for replies, or not get any at all. Don't take this personally - it just means no-one has anything to add to a thread.). The people saying they don't like your idea aren't trying to attack you, and generally, they'll explain why they don't. All they're doing saying "hey, cool idea, but I don't think this would work on EMC. :)". They're not saying "OMG I HATE YOU YOU SHOULD QUIT YOUR IDEA IS DUMB!!!11!!".

    Stay happy and listen to others, and I promise that you shouldn't have any problems here. :)
  3. +Doggie (+10000)
  4. OMG, ISN'T THIS TREE IN POKEMON SHINY ORANGE ON ROUTE 9001 AMAZING!??!? :p, I really think this would help alot of newer players! :D
  5. "I wouldn't post there if I wanted to post a picture of a potato, since I'm not a potato," - quote of the year.
    Penguinub and NathanRP like this.
  6. +Coin