[AUCTION] 2 Holiday Candles!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by LeoV, Apr 21, 2015.

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  1. 12k +1 promo at my res
  2. Auction closed! Branditus Wins, with 12k+ Spooky Egg.
  3. Two things here, the auction rules say you may only bid with rupees, and after bidding the 15k you cannot withdraw it and go lower (even with an added item).
    PenguinDJ and FDNY21 like this.
  4. This auction will not end until 24hrs after last valid bid...

    Please do not bump this thread until 3 hrs has passed since last post, and no one is allowed to bump this thread except the original poster.

    brandtitus is winning with a bid of 15k
    FDNY21 likes this.
  5. I don't need either of these whatsoever, but who cares? :cool:
  6. I've finished the auction tho and paid everything...
  7. i don't have the items anymore
  8. This auction is still running (for the next hour) with the above bid winning.

    You cannot end an auction before it is due to end - you posted for it to end 24hrs after last valid bid.

    The rules clearly state that if you are auctioning items, you MUST have the items in your inventory to complete the deal
  9. The auction is started again, i have the items
  10. You can't bid that, someone has already bidded 16k.
  11. This auction has now ended.

    Defne_The_Boss is the winner with a bid of 16k.
  12. Ok, I'll send payment plus mailing fee. Thanks!
    weeh666 likes this.
  13. Defne_the_boss has won with 16k! pickup @ 6188 once i receive payment
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