Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by _REMOVED_87055, Apr 21, 2015.

  1. Comment below to receive a free stack of snow blocks :p Due to the mail cost donations are greatly appreciated
    Alternatively you can come along to 11313 with a shovel and dig some!
  2. Me want snow!
  3. Ty, i appreciate it..
  4. ill take some
  5. Given and received donation. Thanks =D
  7. np thanks for the snow
  8. Given :p
  9. Still got loads more. If you have a project that needs lots of snow show me it and i will donate :p
  10. thnx ^.^
  11. I still have quite alot of stacks reply below for some
  12. Ill take some snow :)
  13. Mailing to you now :p
  14. Thanks f_builder_s! I'll have some snow please. :)
  15. All mailed :p
  16. Could I please have some? (For my christmas res in the future). I will donate when I can get on
  17. I love snow!
  18. Given :D
    huckleberry24 likes this.