The Periodic Reset Area - EMC Mineshafts & Making it a ©Happier Place

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by kilmannan, Mar 29, 2012.


I would like to see this idea pursued further

Yes 16 vote(s) 69.6%
No 7 vote(s) 30.4%
  1. I agree except when i die.
    AviCain likes this.
  2. I like the concept, but I dont think it is a true solution. First of all, it wwld cause a little lag. Not a lot, at least to my knowledge, but some. Second off, when I put this in my calculator, it does t make a happy face on the majority of players. It would be a bit annoying to have to mine Down to mine everything, a bit more of a pain to have to climb back up every time, since I am terrible at climbing those 1 block stairs, and just having to go to a mineshaft every time you need to mine, turnong away more then hringing in. Next off, this would add to the pains of finding a diamond right inside of a protected spawn,ime the Deadly Diamond of SMP1. Lastly, since obtaining things like sand, and minerals since around the mineshafts will likely be mined, proces will be drives higher.
  3. Yes i aggre about the jumping part but with the prices jumping up that would be good because prices for most items have gone down a lot since the reset so it would be good in that way but i think this is not really relevant anymore because we have the outpost now that you can access from the wilderness spawn.
  4. First off, not EVERY outpost/spawn is riddled with nuke areas. Most of the time, outposts will be safe to venture out from. Second, it wouldn't cause much lag because these would be pre-generated. Third, why are you looking for diamonds in the protected spawn?
    And do you really have a calculator that makes happy faces? I want one.
    pat2011 likes this.
  5. I make large bridges for people to cross the Nuclear war field
    AviCain likes this.
  6. i mean where else would i blow up my 10 stacks of TNT?
  7. don't use them, I'll buy them and use them to clear the dirt out of my Utopia res...
  8. Yea, I need some too Jabr.
  9. What boggles my mind is why almost all the protected areas are placed around sand. I mean, most of these problems would be solved by simply moving the protected spawn point a little. For the main spawn on smp2, e.g., here's a suggested improved placement (in blue):

  10. This would throw off the coordinates for people getting home. Although it's not a MASSIVE shift from (0, 0) players will still have to remember a different set of coords when they are on their way home. Just pointing that out.
  11. Well you always have the Live map. and if you go out with any regularity, you'll learn the offset to spawn anyway. I think moving Spawn out of deserts would be a good idea, maybe something that could be done on the next reset?

    Wherever the edge of spawn is, there is often a cliff. I think the sloping reset area would help this a lot, whether it's in a desert biome or not.
  12. If you move the periodic reset area to another biome, the nucleair testing ground will be permanent.. Instead of moving it, just keep it this way. That way we get a fresh biome every few weeks, and LESS permanent nucleair testing ground( out of periodic reset area). Moving it or any other 'solution' for the sand/sandstone hungry people would only make it worse in my opinion.

    ps, people will always need sand and sandstone, therefor there is no solution for this.
    SecretAznEks likes this.
  13. Well said, if you want to move the spawn you'll have to fix all the stuff that would have been in the periodic reset area. I think that if we're going to do this at all we should do it whenever the next FULL wild reset is, depending on what Mojang decides to add and when.