What Shall I Do With My Res?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by karatekick2001, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. Lovin' the ideas, keep em' coming! :D

    Also FDNY, a statue of you is bound to be built by someone :p
    (Loved your idea)
    FDNY21 likes this.
  2. You know what'd be really interesting?
    A large-scaled native american totem pole. Or the death star/x-wing
    Perry_Stahlsis and tuqueque like this.
  3. Build a
    DEATH Star!
    (sorry about the caps)
    Unless of course EMC already has one of those...
  4. Wow, great minds think alike :p
    rock00888 likes this.
  5. Wow, I honestly didn't see that one! A Star Destroyer would also be really awesome.
  6. A totem pole with all of the staff heads on it?
    tuqueque likes this.
  7. Good god, I don't have nearly enough staff heads for that X_X
    That's uncanny.
    However, I will try making an X-Wing, I love making cars and planes ;)

    Any more suggestions? :3
  8. Not real staff heads? Huge staff heads?
    Or make some kind of eternia - like place :p
  9. statue of me in diamond blocks in the center of res
  10. -Sell shop?
    -Fishing pond?
    -Or a cruise ship? I've always wanted to do one of those.
  11. Question: Do you want it to have a practical purpose?
  12. Yes, but that practical purpose doesn't have to be related to the build, like I built a small house on my res first, and its only purpose is for décor, but I have an auto sorter and farms below, which isn't related to the house.
  13. Bumperoo, still debating ideas in my head!
  14. Bump.
    I was thinking along the lines of Redstone for a while (I love working with it). What kinds of Redstone buils to players consider interesting?

    I was also thinking about making a full-res board game, such as monopoly or the game of life? I know a player (was it Ark_Warrior?) tried monopoly out, but it didn't really take off. Maybe I could do a reproduction or another board game and host actual games on the board.

    Thoughts on the Redstone and board game ideas?
    Perry_Stahlsis likes this.
  15. Sorry for repeating suggestions of i do because i didnt read the others... Build a rollercoaster, giants farm,or a monthly seonal giant decoration! Or even maybe a rollercoaster with a center piece of a seosonal decoration!
  16. No. It wouldn't. I'll find a way to make and supply you with hot sauce if you do this! (I might need to tap an anvil and potion supplier... but I'll make it happen!)
  17. A taco oriented board game where the winner gets hot sauce?
  18. You can have a ton of fun with redstone. If you are feeling adventurous, try a fully automated redstone board/card game. TicTacToe shouldn't be too hard and you could even make a simple Ai mode for it. You could also try checkers if you want. Although they sound simple, both would be incredibly complex and require a great deal of work. I would recommend doing these on Utopia so you can have enough room for everything.
    Perry_Stahlsis likes this.
  19. How about the Stature of Liberty or another well known stature? Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro,
    The Great Sphinx Of Giza Egypt,
    The Motherland Calls in Volgograd Russia,
    The Thinker.
    rock00888 likes this.
  20. If you were looking for something very redstoney and fairly difficult, you could build some form of computer, a calculator or a clock, maybe even something more sophisticated.