[Auction] 3 DCs of Redstone Ore

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Dinthar, Jan 16, 2015.

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  1. This auction will END. FOREVER. TOMORROW MORNING.
    Black13inc likes this.
  2. It looks like Black won. Congrats! I will make the ore available at my res after payment has been made.
  3. No hurry, I'm at work now, I'll pay you this evening sometime. Should be on around 8 pm central time, I'll pay then. Thanks:)
    I looove my Redstone!
  4. Great. Thanks. Now work is my impediment. I will set the access signs when I get home.
  5. The three DCs are set up at my res - /v Dinthar at SMP6. If I fouled up the access signs, let me know. Thanks again!
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