Voting circle?

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by PAVI259, Jan 6, 2015.

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  1. I voted on for EMC three times and the results are very strange.
    As seen I voted 3 times, at 9:37 AM, and then a little less than 24 hours after that at 5:56 AM this morning and then just now at 8:11 PM today. My most recent vote should have brought me to the 121 vote bonus, or am I missing something? This morning I should have received the 120 vote bonus correct? Anyone willing to help me figure this out?
  2. Today is Tuesday. From Sunday 36 hours is 9:37PM on Monday. You lost a vote bonus there. You regained it this morning at 5:56AM and just now it hasn't been 16 hours so you just got 300r
  3. You are missing something. Because you didn't vote yesterday, a vote today didn't increase your streak. That is intentional. For the last vote, that is also intentional. You can increase your streak every 16 hours.
  4. Oh wow I can't believe I missed that. I thought it said yesterday, not Sunday haha. This thread is done and can be closed.
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