[Forum Game] You're fired for... (Version 2.0)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by mayorprofessor, Jul 7, 2014.

  1. You're fired for being a diamond supporter (cool your diamond!)
  2. I fire you again, because you are still not gone! 0:2 Nathan vs Kaizimir :D
  3. i fire kai because aikar is not following him
  4. Fired because Aikar is not following you either.
  5. Fired, because I can't work with people like this.
  6. Fired because he owns carthaga.
  7. Wrong, I don't own it. Fired!
  8. fired because you could read the gray text
  9. Fired because you use the gray text.
  10. You are fired for using a grey font, that is still readable.
  11. Fired for insulting the way I always write!
  12. fired for using plug.dj.
  13. Fired for knowing that I use plug.dj.
  14. Fired for having a profile pic of a werewolf.
  15. Your Fired for not having a diamond sword!
  16. You're fired for saying I don't have a dia sword. Bronze is all the rage girl
  17. Fired for saying my profile pic has a werewolf in it.
  18. Fired because aikar is following me
  19. You're fired for having a broken sig.
  20. Fired for having three 7's in your name