[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. Ummm now do I take part??
  2. Hello! I'm looking for somebody to help me with building on my plot, a house or something. I'm a bad builder.. but I will help you build it if you'll like. :) Message me on the Forums if your interested thanks.
  3. You can also take a look around in the city. There are some pretty houses that you can claim...no hassle with building one. Look out for a small netherrack pillars (2blocks high) with a sign on it in front/or inside the house. There are some in the centre, the northern and southern part. Let me know, if you are interested in one of them.
  4. Ok, I'll take a look.. :) I saw the ones in the Northen Area oh.. (don't like the houses but like the area.. :3).
  5. You can also rebuild on one of these plots, which then brings you back to your initial question: Who can build a house for you? Haha
  6. ok there is only one in central area thats for iron ranks only, just letting you know :p
  7. How do I fill out the Application? I'm so confused and wish to join
  8. Hi marielynmichael, just copy&paste the content from the spoiler 'Application form', give your answers after the colon and post it here. We will then look through it and contact you.
  9. Ok but wht does ign stand for
  10. InGameName (your minecraft name)
    Patr1cV likes this.
  11. ok ty
  12. Please answer these questions honestly. You will hear from us!
    1. IGN: marielynnmichael
    2. Timezone: Eastern Time
    3. How long have you been playing Minecraft: IRL, 2 years on EMC, 158 days
    4. Have you ever been kicked or banned and what was the reason: No I have never been kicked or banned
    5. Do you plan to build/have a mega mall/another big project: No I have not Considered building a Mega Mall or Big Project, unless I get access to becoming a Supporter (maybe soon)
    6. What is your favourite Minecraft activity: Building and Interacting with other players
    7. Why do you want to join PoC: I want to be part of PoC, because I want to Help it grow and become a warming place for new comers.
    8. Which of the 8 commandments do you find most important: Commandments 1-6 are most important to me
    Kaizimir likes this.
  13. Well, sorry I have been away for the past 2 days, I was grounded from all electronic devices :eek: but I'm back now, should be online in the next 10mins :)
    Kaizimir and Airgasious like this.
  14. Spaskiba is delirct
  15. Hey Kai! I was wondering if I could make REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY BIG automated farms....
    Contact me when I am online...
    Peacebone66 likes this.
  16. Yay more lag,
    if Kai says yes! :p ;)
  17. See I'm not the only one that is saying it will cause more lag.

    Rainbowpony1000 likes this.
  18. xD. Dont worry, its not going to lag alot. I have done it before on my res.
  19. he's talking about making a huge wheat farm..... we're talking a couple stacks of dispensers or pistons, not 100,000, with 50,000 repeaters =P