Just want to point out that his doesn't include an os, so you would have to add that to the price or give something like Windows 10 or Ubuntu a try.
I still say get the SeaSonic over the Cooler Master, but I may (am) be biased. Also, this RAM is probably a better buy just because of the slight boost in speed and the fact that it looks awesome. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231428 It is DDR3, $5 more, red, and 1600 speed instead of 1333. Or this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...231460&cm_re=1866_ddr3-_-20-231-460-_-Product It is DDR3, 1866 speed, and $7 more than Monster's recommendation. 1866 speed is pretty much useless right now for gaming, but it could be useful in a few years.