1970 Casino Re-Opening!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by wipple5, Oct 8, 2014.

  1. WHEN? 7:30pm - 10pm BST (2:30pm - 5pm EMC Time)
    WHERE? 1970 Casino
    WHAT? Re-Opening Of 1970 Casino With New Games! Including VIP Only Games VERY SOON!!
    WHY SHOULD YOU BE THERE? To Win Loads Of Rupees And Have Fun!
    Olaf_C likes this.
  2. Although i never make a profit, i cant help but love this casino.
  3. Have you got all your Machines to follow the Rules here?

    Also have you got a Mod/Sr Mod to check the machines to make sure they are not rigged?
  4. yes.. . don't worry, just have fun!
  5. I had fun.... I lost most my rupees

  6. I remember visiting the casino. I believe I broke about even (maybe getting just slightly more out of it). But yeah, losing all the rupees is what makes it fun :D.