Nation of Volt (ESTABLISHED)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by rock00888, Aug 2, 2013.

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  1. Why?

    Because I don't appreciate having people accuse me of griefing, that's why.

    Never have since Siniy screamed KITTEN'S LEAD THE CREEPERS INTO MAXIMUS.
  2. May I just say Jeff is new to the wild and hasn't got a clue who u even are....
  3. Kitten, please keep this off of the Nation of Volt's thread.
  4. Keep your opinions in your own thread, and leave this one alone!!!
    JeffreyLi2003 and rock00888 like this.
  5. Work on a new ink farm will be started soon. Plans are no where near finalised, but any help would be greatly appreciated! PM me or reply below if you have interest in helping on this project!
    JeffreyLi2003 likes this.
  6. New members welcome in Volt City!
    JeffreyLi2003 likes this.
  7. Still working on subway :(. Should be finished with it soon! Even though it's not finished anyone who wants to can use the east, south and west lines.
    devon699 likes this.
  8. One step closer to finishing the tree farm. It should be completely operational by the end of the month.
  9. whats wrong with the rail to wrem? i thought it was done days ago?
  10. No, I'm still working on it. It is a really large project. I will get out there today and fix the gap between the rails.
  11. 2014-09-13_14.08.28.png 2014-09-13_14.13.08.png Momemuts in volt i hate the small loot i got :p
    rock00888 likes this.
  12. also this i did get 400 tokens though 2014-09-13_14.15.48.png
    wildbeast23 likes this.
  13. Wow. I can say with 100% certainty that I have never seen a monotonous in Volt City. I've only seen one in Volt. It was in the northern desert.
  14. Good policing there xD
    rock00888 likes this.
  15. :) I was just about to leave then I heard the summon sound of a wither next thing you know there's a momenuts
  16. Charter of Mutual Understanding, Co-operation and Peace (COMUCAP)

    Comrades and friends,

    Recent months have been fraught with misunderstandings, arguments, wars, embargoes, travel blocks and petty competitiveness between members of our outposts. In the last week or so relations between the nations of the smp9 east wild frontier have become more relaxed, but in order for us to look towards a more peaceful future I am writing this charter as a statement of our nations' continuing existence and shared ideals to be peaceful, co-operative countries, and as to limit any future destabilizing in-fighting.

    Within our region, I have identified 6 countries that will all, hopefully, sign up to this Charter: chosen because of geographic proximity, shared histories, friendships and interests;
    • The Estonan Federation
    • Volt
    • Wrem
    • Grand Republic
    • Terrione
    • Stoneguard
    Signing this Charter will act as a peace-offering and a sign of friendship between communities. I have come up with 4 main points that this Charter seeks to compel nations to conduct, COMUCAP signatories must;
    • Fundamentally seek a peaceful existence towards other signatories and act toward one another in a state of mutual respect.
    • Be willing to take constructive criticism maturely and seek to deal with disagreements in a civil manner as to continue cross-nation partnerships.
    • Be respectful of national borders and not purposely and knowingly build within other outposts' spheres of influence (whether officially established or not).
    • Be willing for other signatory nations to construct embassies within partnering signatories' territories if asked. This should in fact be encouraged.
    I hope that all 5 national leaders of countries' threads I have posted this declaration to will sign up, and in doing so actively seek a more harmonious future in our part of the frontier, than that we have experienced in recent months. To my knowledge current leaders are devon699 (Estona), rock00888 (Volt), hollyhill105 (Wrem), kitten3101 (Grand Republic), traynfreek (Terrione) and lukafolz (Stoneguard). Leaders who are keen to ratify and sign up to this Charter please message me, and edit the first post of their thread to include a sentence declaring they are a signatory of this Charter as well as including the 4 points mentioned above.

    In peace,

    ps. Any other nations reading this and wanting to sign up to COMUCAP please message me and we'll sort something out :)
    Kaizimir and rock00888 like this.
  17. Cough cough

    Tip look at signature xD
    wildbeast23 likes this.
  18. Volt likes and endorses this. We will sign up.
    wildbeast23 likes this.
  19. Finally got the pic of the montemous uploaded. I think I may have solved the whole montemous spawning in Volt City issue...
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