I'm not sure but I think I have A.D.D. Cause I can't seem to pay attention and I really like think of allot of things whenever I do stuff. I noticed it because the video explains thoroughly on what ADD and ADHD is. In class I keep dosing off in my head thinking of something else. But I manage to go back to the subject and pay attention to it for a couple of minutes until I start dosing off again and the process repeats over and over. I really hand it to you man, kudos to you!
60, also the test is easiy to see through what influences you, whether you want to score high or not. But I think if people read some of my longer posts it gets obvious how my mind drifts off. Phrases like "But what I really wanted to say" are common. I want to add to the video, that handling people is tricky. You get often to a point, where you think you already thought of everything a person could say and the conversation gets boring or you want to burst out an answer, even though you are wrong on what you anticipated quite frequently. But I totally agree to the fact that it helps doing some creative things. I come up with so many ideas and want to do them all at once. I play games in any possible way (pvp, pve, rp ...) do video and photoshop works, make events, manage guilds, make web pages. I cant settle with one project. But it makes me happy. It fills my day with joy. My tip for all those who just feel that way, make DAMN sure to get a job which is close to what you do in ur free time. Also expand your horizon. People will not understand many things you say, often because its pretty much insane, but some thing are genius and most of the time you have to push yourself. I'm lucky that my family got used to me and I found friends who can grasp all that what I say and filter. If you are a friend of a person like that, PLEASE make sure to filter what he says. Words dont have a meaning for some things we say. Sometimes its just an experiment we do without noticing. Sometimes we feel like it is alright to say I havent meant that and a person we hurt is supposed to feel alright again. Sorry for that ^^ Greetz Hasorko
57. I thought it would have been higher. I start projects all the time without finishing half of them.
LOL Actually my teacher send me to psycologist and he say i got asperger syndrome and gave me bunch of ritalin. But i didnt eat any .
The doctor said so ( he's not even sure about it. LoL ) And I think I dont have. I just dont talk to people in real life much. Cos all the people around me almost all of them talk about football, music, fashion, twilight, and harrypotter. But I'm more interested in minecraft, game, computer , space , scifi that involve spaceship. The the most part is those guys say minecraft is not fun cos it look lame. They didnt even play it >_>
<div align="center"> <a href="http://psychcentral.com/addquiz.htm"> <img src="http://psychcentral.com/images/adhd_mild.gif" alt="Mild ADHD Possible" width="200" height="90" border="0"></a></div> is this good? :3 :c EDIT FAIL.... -.- I got 44
Everything you said is nearly exactly the same for me. Great advice, and everything you said stands true. You see, I used to feel annoyed and put myself down because of this. As I learned more about what it did for me and after being inspired by the video in the open post, I now enforce it. And to the rest of you who are posting, I'm glad to see that this topic is actually finding interest and it's not only me.
btw while I was on youtube.. I happened to find this.. eh interesting video xD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_udqEp_YR4&feature=fvwrel