[SERVICE] Bulk Supply [Closed]

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by Mizzo12, Jul 4, 2014.

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  1. I did your snow?
  2. Hello - I have school now - so I won't be on for about 9 hours - since I have paid can you please set up the access chest so it is there when I get home -
  3. I'd like to cancel my order please. Thank you.
  4. Right this is getting ridiculous ! I paid for my glowstone over 24 hours ago - I then commented on here and you said you would make an access chest in a few hours - (That was last night in my timezone) Then this morning before I went to school I left another post - Yet theres still NO GLOWSTONE !
    I told you twice ! If you do not set up the chest soon I will be reporting you for scamming
    HeIusion likes this.
  5. THe accss chest is up
  6. Item : Brown Stained Clay
    How much of that item: SC
    The Total Price: 3k (1k tip)
  7. It is closed
  8. Would you be able to do a DC of quartz and how much per DC?
  9. HeIusion and MHeller2017 like this.
  10. Please stop raging. It takes a while for the forum owners to read, they have lives too outside and inside of mine craft.
  11. sorry didn"t read that!
    Nilex92 likes this.
  12. Thank you jake
  13. I was raging coz she said she would set it up but she didnt - sort out ur company
  14. He's got a right to be mad, he paid, yet didnt get what he paid for. He was understandably mad, and worried bout being scammed.
  15. Thanks :)
    HeIusion likes this.
  16. He has a right to be mad but not go over the top with it, there was probably a reason why it was not done and people must understand that everyone has personal lives to juggle as well as lives on EMC. Mizzo would not have deliberately not set up an access chest and i know this because i have been a customer of hers.
  17. Well I realise it was a mistake using this bulk supply company - and I won't make the same mistake again
    HeIusion likes this.
  18. Item: Glass
    How much of that item: One DC
    The Total Price: 6k
  19. Item : Sand :D
    How much of that item you ask? 1 D to the C
    Total cost you might say?
    Uh like 3k :p

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