Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2014 Edition)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Jan 1, 2014.

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  1. unnamed.jpg
    The little helper when playing MC or doing other things on laptop
  2. Th
    They start at such a young age =P
  3. Recent, as in, 6 days old pic ;D
    2014-05-03 11.09.58.jpg
  4. here bonz, another one just to prove i'm still torsoless :D

  5. this is me before my prom :D
  6. Very snazzy lol. :cool:
    Mirr0rr and Alyattayla like this.
  7. haha cheers buddy, had a few snaps before the night started :D
  8. Ooooh spice girls
  9. summer is getting near so i decided to find an old pic and remind myself some more about it :D 10357789_577953205637036_2017513198247310113_o.jpg
  10. that is a perrrdy picture, yes. :D very much yes. lots of yes. loads of yes.
  11. lots of yes cause I really need summer immediately… like now lol
    battmeghs likes this.
  12. that is one of the most beautiful pictures of you I have ever seen, so nice.

    And here I am with my two boys

  13. from left to right: playtehminecraft, southpark347, alyattayla, bro_im_infinite
  14. Hey!!! Teacher!!! Leave the kids alone!!!
    Mirr0rr, Gap542, Gadget_AD and 3 others like this.
  15. I'll be posting a picture in the next few days. Most likely posting two, and possibly posting three.
  16. I attended the Steampunk World Fair today.
    I didn't have a costume and I could only afford stuff from a military surplus booth.
  17. Sunday is shelter day
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