Tips on finding slime chunks?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by AmusedStew, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. I was bored so I did some math.
    Finding one is 1 in 10
    Finding 2 next adjacent is 1/25
    Finding 3 adjacent is 1/40

    Pretty sure I did my math correct, and when I say adjacent I mean not diagonal, but in any of the 4 spaces around it.
  2. The wiki says that it's an opaque block, but for the amount of resources that you need jack 'o' lanterns cost less overall.
  3. OK. Some info on Slimes first, then I'll explain my method (seems to work well):

    1. Slimes spawn from level 0-40, any light level, on a solid block. (In slime chunks)
    2. 3 different size slimes can spawn, biggest being 3 x 3, and requires 3 x 3 air space above single solid block to spawn.
    3. Slimes cannot spawn on a torch, placing torches on spawn pad reduces chance of spawn.
    4. Slimes randomly jump in a direction unless they detect a player and jump towards them.
    5. slimes take no fall damage (hence why often found down at low levels as they randomly jump down there)
    6. Jack-O-lanterns are a solid block, and can spawn mobs on it. Glowstone is not.

    Umm.. i forgot some other important point, i'll edit when i remember.

    My method of finding slimes is simply digging 3x3 tunnels through chunks. I incorporate this into mining for ores, Hence, level 12 is a good height (for diamonds). I place jack-o-lanterns in the floor, or torches into the side of the wall to not obstruct spawning.On the border of every chunk, I place a wall in the tunnel at least 2 high. So any slimes spawning can't move outside the chunk, and I know 100% which chunk they came from.

    Once 3x3 tunnels are dug in a 64 x 64 (or 150 x 150) area, I will go down those tunnels punching 5 deep holes in the wall looking for ores and waiting for slime to spawn.

    When slimes spawn, I throw up a sign in the chunk so i know, and wait for more. Ideally getting 2-3 slime chunks together, and then build a large 40 high slime farm with 10-11 spawning pads.

    OK, so maybe that is more info than you wanted. But I'm planning on incorporating these answers into a help thread of my own. :)

    Also, as Haro said, using Haste II beacon + Efficinecy V pick will instant break stone, which allows you to mine a 3x3 tunnel at walking speed. I do highly recommend doing this, I do. I use a Silk Touch I, Eff V, Unbreaking 3 pick, which on average mines 1.5 DC's of blocks per pick. So you may need to bring a few picks.
    The stone can then be used to build the slime farm, or whatever else you need.

    I don't choose any random location. Might as well team the slime farm up with other useful farms in an area to make the most of my being there. So I look for spawners i can build a farm around also, or pick a location for other things, maybe iron farm, or other farms.
  4. I also think Haro needs some tips on finding slime farms. :p
  5. Isn't there a way to find them using F3?
  6. In EMC, no.

    Slime chunks are not completely random. The game uses the 'seed' to decide which chunks can spawn slimes (1/10 chunks are chosen). If the Minecraft client has access to the worlds 'seed', it can be used to locate all slime chunks, as well as other things like fortresses, villages, etc.

    Most servers, including EMC, have the world seed hidden. That is, you cannot get it. So you or any mod you use (Like Rei's minimap) cannot know where slime chunks are.

  7. This is the method I use. It works really well. I found a 2x2 with 6 hours of mining, which is REALLY good for this kind of thing.
  8. He used the world seed to find them. :) can't do that here.
  9. Did I get the wrong video? :confused: let me check...

    Edit: lol, sorry. Wrong bookmark. Fixed now.
  10. If you are building a slime farm, Without a good slime chunk prepped area it won't be that great.. There are some really good swamp - slime farm designs that don't need slime chunks :)
  11. I always found these too unreliable. Correct me if i'm wrong here, been a long time since i built one:
    - Above level 40 swamp slimes do not spawn in light level 8+. Which means other mobs spawn as well.
    - Slime spawn rates chnage with the phase of the moon. High spawn rate one day, zero spawn rate a few days later (minecraft 24hr day = 20 mins). So your rate of spawn will be all over the place, and ideally you want to be near it during peek moon phase.
    Basically.. I found building a swamp slime farm too complex, but no biggy if you don't mind drops from all mob types.... Actually, I've just had an idea of a dark room spawner for swamp.. might try it.
  12. So uh... samsimx said he had A slime chunk I oculd have and we realised it was actually x amount of chunks. Problem is we dont know how to measure chunks well. So if anyone wants to help it WILL be worth ur while.
    samsimx likes this.
  13. Its at least 5+ we've established :p
  14. I'd help. I think Slime Blocks will be fun. :)
  15. I can pm you with the way to find chunk borders.
  16. Nether will be helping me and sam with this.
    I have reis which shows borders, its just super confusing :p
  17. Too late, already making an instruction to help you out.
    This involves f3 chunk border finding btw
  18. I'll contact you in-game if/when i see you, and see how this is going.

    I'm an old-school slime farmer, and know many designs depending on how it's used. I am currently redesigning my own farms to be more productive, so can maybe help out here a little.