[Event] Secret Santa

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Moms_CreditCard, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. shouldn't, but does. :p
  2. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ummm anyone?
  3. Do I put the gift for my partner in my access chest...?
  4. IGN: porphos
    1. stick renamed porphos stick
    2. sapling of your choice (1)
    3. block of your choice (1)
    4. food of your choice (1)
    5. surprise me!
    note: I appreciate any item given to me off my list and it doesn't have to be expensive. I already have been very blessed, so I don't really need anything. Be creative and buy yourself something special while you get it. Thank you! :)
  5. Is it possible i could participate in this even though I am unavailable at 7?
  6. Probably. Dj will need to confirm this thoug
  7. How do we put it in the other person's chest if they only have access to it? I put the gift to my person in my chest.
  8. If I can do it:
    1) diamonds
    2) quartz
    3) a job
    4) a horse renamed batman
    5) any promo item if you want
  9. Yes..
  10. Too late...
    porphos likes this.
  11. The event will be postponed to further notice (Quote this reply if you have not received a PM)
  12. Why is it being postponed.
  13. Working on fixing it, almost done, missed one pm though, so gonna have to go back through and see who i missed
  14. Am i in?...
  15. It was also postponed, so....
    Also I'd like to hear it from someone who is running the event.
  16. Haro left due some ruppees issue so you are in :p
    jacob5089 likes this.
  17. I did read the thread so...
    Awesome thanks :3
  18. Umm, i need a bigger chest to put my gift in
  19. >.> I have an extra gift box then <.< (that person is lucky)