[Giveaway]100 Days on EMC

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Thundereco, Dec 2, 2013.


Again, When do you think EMC will de upgraded to 1.7?

Tomorrow 1 vote(s) 3.7%
This Friday 3 vote(s) 11.1%
At the end of the week 5 vote(s) 18.5%
In two weeks 10 vote(s) 37.0%
As a gift for Christmas 7 vote(s) 25.9%
After New Year 5 vote(s) 18.5%
When Aikar post something abot it 12 vote(s) 44.4%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Oh :p flaming potatos or freezing potatos?
  2. Flaming potatos XD
    flamingpotato42 likes this.
  3. wow, just 9 numbers left, I think I'll put more numbers, if it's legal, because Idk, Is it?
  4. Sorry man its not :/ just end the giveaway early then if the numbers fill up...oh yes and my friends moranwill and littlepiccolo would like any number that is free
  5. but 22 can only be mine cause 22 is my bday and my fav number to there xD
    LoyalKoala and sonicol1 like this.
  6. Fine be that way xD my bday is 5 but 5 is taken...in fact my bday is 5/5
  7. Thanks, just for knowing and not messing up the giveaway :)
    flamingpotato42 likes this.
  8. 15, favorite animal? Or minecraft animal :)
  9. The dogs in both :)
    MrUnknownian likes this.
  10. Did you add my 2 friends? they dont use the forums so they just asked me
  11. 17 please. why smp5?
  12. I'll agregate them, just make them ask me a question, it doesn't matter if you post their questions, but I need them in order to agregate them (rules are the rules :)). You can ask them in game.

    Well, I remember how the systems in some servers work, I know that the first and last are commonly the one's that are almost full, so I took the middle one, and that's why I'm in Smp5 :)
    flamingpotato42 likes this.
  13. Moranwill: do you like pigs? (he adores them xD)
    littlepiccolo: whats your favorite color? (not the best but it works)
  14. That's better, first: yes I like them, and second: green :)
    flamingpotato42 likes this.
  15. Wait, 17 is already taken, please choose another number :)
  16. also :p, free numbers are 11, 12, 18, 19, 21 and 29
  17. 12 then :p lol
  18. okey then, lol :p
  19. 29 plz. Potatoes or Melons?