Dwight's Thanksgiving Giveaway

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by The_Boulder, Nov 28, 2013.

  1. Thanks bite
  2. updated to now, if your name isnt on there your number was already selected
    5weety likes this.
  3. 38 please. Ninja'd
    bitemenow15 likes this.
  4. Ok can I have number 31 please :D happy holiday Dwight
  5. you already got 36....look back at your own posts lol
  6. 11 please! :D

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! :)
  7. 14 plz :D, I lOvE rUsTy SpOoNs....
  8. three posts above you chose 20
  9. Happy Thanksgiving. 50 please :)
    bitemenow15 likes this.
  10. Happy thanks Giving
    12 please
    (Sorry didnt see that xharo chose 17 first)
  11. Happy Thanksgiving \o3o/ Ill have 10 plox :3
    THE_LEGEND4 likes this.
  12. Dwight i'm on there twice got confused reading thru the thread i originally picked 34 i think but did the edit with 37 (which was taken), u can take me off of either of those, sorry
  13. you picked 34 first..... stop changing !!!!
    grrr making me all confused and stuff!
  14. one number left
  15. I call last number, wht ever that is. I am not looking through all posts and am so tired i cant tell wht the numbers in the list are open.
  16. 14 please :)
    FirstJugBurgerz likes this.
  17. Gratz on beating me to it. :p